Tu-95RTs Bear D Reconnaissance and Targeting
Ту-95РЦ Разведчик-Целеуказатель The Tu-95RTs Bear D Reconnaissance and Targeting platform was a specialised variant of the Tu-95 Bear A which emerged during the mid 1960s. It was developed to provide the airborne reconnaissance and targeting component of the МЦРС-1 «Успех» (MTsRS-1 Uspekh or Success) system, built around a massive ventral X-band acquisition and guidance radar, which was used to target ASCMs launched by Soviet warships and submarines. These were initially the P-5/P-6/P-35 Shaddock/Sepal, and later the P-500/P-1000 Sandbox series. The Bear D remained in service until the early 1990s, when it was replaced with satellite technology. The Bear D was progressively upgraded through its service life, and as newer ASCMs were deployed, its role shifted increasing to target acquisition and cueing SSG/SSGN and CG missile delivery systems rather than direct missile guidance. |
The Tu-95K/KD/KM Bear C strike aircraft was the first cruise missile carrier variant of the Bear, developed during the late 1950s to attack strategic targets and opposing naval forces. Its primary weapon was the large Mach 1.8-2.0 11 tonne Al-7F turbojet powered Raduga Kh-20 / AS-3 Kangaroo, armed with a 2 tonne weight 800 kilotonne (Kh-20 baseline) or 3 Megatonne (Kh-20M) yield nuclear warhead. The inertial / command link guided Kh-20 was cumbersome and disappeared from service use by the 1970s, progressively replaced with the liquid rocket powered Raduga Kh-22 Burya / AS-4 Kitchen. The most visible design change is the distinctive nose radome for the large A-336Z YaD / Crown Drum attack radar used for targeting the Kh-20 missile.
Above: loading the 10 tonne launch weight Kh-20 / AS-3 Kangaroo into the Bear C semi-conformal weapon bay; below: Bear C launching the Kh-20 / AS-3 Kangaroo cruise missile.
The Tu-95K-22 Bear G was a progressive block upgrade of the Bear B/C fleet, in which the Kh-20 weapon system was replaced by the Raduga Kh-22 / AS-4 Kitchen weapon system. The YaD attack radar was replaced with the Backfire's Leninetz PNA-B Down Beat, and three BD-45K/F adaptors were installed to carry the Kh-22. The Kh-20 semiconformal weapon bay was altered to fit the BD-45F, and wing root pylons were introduced to mount a pair of BD-45K, for a total warload of up three rounds. The distinctive recognition features of the Bear G are the unique tailcone fairing, mid fuselage and thimble nose radomes, which house emitters for the SPS-151/152/153 Lyutik self protection jammers, common to the MiG-25RBV and MiG-25BM Foxbat, and some Tu-16P Badger subtypes; and the aft fuselage blister radomes for the Kurs N/NM RHAW used to target anti-radiation variants of the Kh-22. |
Tu-95MR Bear E Maritime Reconnaissance
Ту-95МР Разведчик The Tu-95MR Bear E was a reconnaissance and intelligence gathering variant introduced during the early 1960s. They were progressively converted to trainers by the 1980s, as the newer Tu-142 and Tu-95RTs subsumed their role. |
"Daca vrei sa construiesti o corabie, atunci nu aduna oamenii, pentru a cara cheresteau, pentru a-si pregati uneltele, pentru a le da sarcini, ci invata-i pe oameni ce inseamna dorul de marea nesfarsita" (Antoine de Saint Exupery) „When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." (Henry Ford)
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Informatii despre Doru Varlan
- Alex Vraciu - un aviator de origine romana...
- D. Varlan - o autoevaluare
- Demersuri in favoarea aviatorilor din Romania
- Fiicele aviatorului D. Varlan...
- In aceasta zona geografica se afla ASOCIATIA AEROSPATIALA ROMANA
- In ce cred eu D. Varlan
- O viata de aviator ...asa cum a fost
- Promotia 1975 de piloti civili
"The human factor will decide the fate of war, of all
wars. Not the Mirage, nor any other plane, and not the screwdriver, or the wrench or radar or missiles or all the newest technology and electronic innovations. Men—and not just men of action, but men of thought. Men for whom the expression 'By ruses shall ye make war' is a philosophy of life, not just the object of lip service."
The words ‘manager’ or ‘boss’ and ‘leader’ are not synonymous. The differences are sometimes subtle, sometimes great. Warren Bennis, an American leadership guru, has written many books on the topic. Bennis defines the following differences between managers and leaders: The manager administers, the leader innovates. The manager is a copy [of other managers], the leader is an original. The manager maintains, the leader develops. The manager focuses on systems and structure, the leader focuses on people. The manager relies on control, the leader inspires trust. The manager takes a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective. The manager’s eye is always on the bottom line, the leader’s eyes are on the horizon. The manager does things right, the leader does the right thing.
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joi, 12 iunie 2014
The Romanian Aerospace Association is a Romanian incorporated non-profit organization.
Here are some of the RAA's short and long term goals:
· To be a strong voice in the aerospace field of activity.
· To promote knowledge and uphold a high standard of knowledge and professional efficiency among aerospace enthusiasts.
· To closely cooperate with authorities and institutions concerned with aerospace training, industry and business.
· To sponsor and support the passage of legislation and regulations which will increase and protect the safety of air navigation, to promote safety.
· To support the way forward for a comprehensive air passenger right policy.
· To approach the small and large companies of the sector.
· To optimize resources and efforts.
· To serve as springboard to develop the training in the aerospace sector.
· To serve as negotiator and spoke voice to the various Administrations.
· To achieve a greater implementation of the air companies in the training of the own staff.
· To accomplish diffusion campaigns of the officially regulated courses to students in order to attract and get future training.
· To extend the acceptance capacity of the students.
· To arrange training courses in the facilities of the air companies.
· To improve the continuous training of the teaching staff.
Dear Aerospace Colleague,
The information you are about to read is for you - the RAA member - at the head of today's corporation (i.e., for the strategist, the leader, the motivator).
Now you can join a select group of professionals who have excellent experience and exclusive insights into theoretical and practical aerospace science. The aim of this unique gathering of expertise is to help you develop, implement and maintain effective strategies for survival and growth in increasingly competitive markets. Of course globalisation, e-commerce and lightning speed of change have revolutionised the aerospace business world tremendously. For today's senior manager, effective strategic thinking is the difference between company success and failure.
I invite you to cooperatively find out how to:
· Create a corporate culture that encourages innovative strategic thinking and values the experience of more conventional planners/strategists.
· Overcome resistance to change and get your whole company behind new strategies when they are agreed.
· Evaluate the benefits and risks of strategic alliances and joint ventures.
· Make your strategy more flexible - so changes can be agreed and implemented more easily.
· Build a strategy that encourages knowledge management and information exchange and enables all employees to access your corporation's "collective brain".
· Involve all core functions in the strategy-planning process.
· Build strategies that maximise stakeholder value.
· Get managers to think and act strategically.
· Re-shape your organisation's hierarchy, business process and use of teams.
· Gather and use competitive strategic intelligence ethically, but effectively.
The aim of the RAA is to give you FREE networking and information service with your membership.
I'm convinced you'll come to depend on RAA for more guidance on how to create and implement effective strategies for your company's survival and growth. Reserve your application form today!
Yours sincerely,
Doru Vârlan
P.S. Strategic Direction is one of the most exclusive (and most expensive) strategy briefings project the RAA aims to get alive. I do hope you will try it for yourself.
Mission of Romanian Aerospace Association
- To provide the bridge between aviation professionals and new networks and opportunities
- To enhance the exchange of information and knowledge in the aerospace industry
- To establish a forum for information and professional networking
- To promote aerospace professionals and institutions nationally & internationally
- To identify new business opportunities
- To provide the forum for national & international aerospace networking and debate
- To contribute to the education of both the aerospace novice and professionals as well
- To explore local and international knowledge and understanding
- To be the ideal international network of information exchange and collaboration
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